PCL Initiatives
Ongoing Promotions
PCL believes that Lisbon is a fantastic place to live, recreate and do business. To that end we are consistently working to promote the positive aspects of things happening in Lisbon through our very popular social media page or by connecting with regional press entities to ensure that good stories are being told about Lisbon. Whether it's promoting a new business coming to town, a local non profit activity, or a Performing Arts Center fundraiser, PCL is eager to share the good news. |
Congratulations Seniors!

PCL, in a joint effort with the Town of Lisbon and with the support of several local sponsors, designed and purchased a 30' banner to hang over Rte 196 congratulating the senior class who was effected by the Covid 19 pandemic. This banner will be used each year to recognize our graduates.
Local Service Recognition
At the PCL annual Dinner each summer, PCL has taken time to recognize local individuals who have gone above and beyond in service to Lisbon. In 2017 the annual dinner honored 2 retiring members of the Lisbon Police Dept, including Chief Brooks.
In 2019, PCL held a dinner celebrating the hard work of Faye Brown and Noyes Lawrence who started and managed the "Green Thumb Gang" for over 30 years. |

In the summer of 2017, PCL held a "Ribbon Hopping" event. This event recognized 10 different businesses who had recently opened, relocated, or celebrated an anniversary. It was attended by dozens of people, including representatives from our State Senators. It was also covered by regional press.
Time for Play

In 2017, Positive Change Lisbon joined forces with the Lisbon Rec Department Playground committee and served as the non profit fundraising entity and coordinated donations from local citizens and businesses raising funds to match a large family donation and a Town investment that allowed Lisbon to install a brand new multi age friendly playground at MTM park.
Banner Project

Positive Change Lisbon had the vision to design and install over 20 "Welcome to Lisbon" banners grouped at the major intersections in town.
Thanks to financial donors, PCL volunteers and the work crews from Lisbon PW and Enterprise Electric these banners have been installed, welcoming visitors to our town from all directions.
Lisbon Developer Panel
In November of 2012, Positive Change Lisbon invited a panel of regional developers and commercial realtors to speak to the group and members of the Town Council. This panel was designed to get an outsiders perspective of how we, as a town, can work to invite development. This panel is credited with creating the momentum that resulted in changes to our local codes over the last 8 years, resulting in an dramatic increase in development interest in Lisbon.